
class django_functest.AdminLoginMixin[source]

This provides helpers for logging into the admin interface using the standard login page. It assumes logging in with username and password.

This works with both FuncWebTestMixin and FuncSeleniumMixin.

do_login(username=None, password=None, shortcut=True)[source]

Do an admin login for the provided username and password. However, it will actually do a shortcut by default, unless shortcut=False is passed, using the shortcut_login().


Do a log out for the current user, using shortcut_logout() if shortcut=True (the default), or using the admin logout page if shortcut=False

class django_functest.ShortcutLoginMixin[source]

This provides a method for doing a login without actually doing HTTP-level work, as far as possible.

This works with both FuncWebTestMixin and FuncSeleniumMixin. These methods do not simulate exactly what happens when a user logs in and out with real HTTP requests — they only do enough to get you to “logged in user”, or “logged out user” state. In particular, other side effects on the session that normally happen (such as session key rotation, or anything that responds to the user_logged_in signal etc.) will not be done.

shortcut_login(user=None, **credentials)[source]

Pass either a user object, or credentials.

For a user object, you don’t need to provide a password or any authentication.

For credentials, it will typically be username and password, or anything else accepted by django.contrib.auth.authenticate. If they are not valid, an exception is raised.

Manipulates the session and cookies directly.


Logs out the user from the current session

Manipulates the session and cookies directly.