Source code for django_functest.utils

import warnings
from importlib import import_module

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import BACKEND_SESSION_KEY as AUTH_BACKEND_SESSION_KEY
from django.contrib.auth import HASH_SESSION_KEY as AUTH_HASH_SESSION_KEY
from django.contrib.auth import SESSION_KEY as AUTH_ID_SESSION_KEY
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
from django.utils.html import escape
from furl import furl
from lxml import etree

class _NotPassed:

NotPassed = _NotPassed()

[docs]class ShortcutLoginMixin: """ A mixin that provides a fast way of logging in and out. """
[docs] def shortcut_login(self, user=None, **credentials): """ Login a user directly. Pass the user object, without a password, or pass in credentials like: username="me", password="my_password" """ if user is not None: if credentials: raise AssertionError("Either pass 'user' or **credentials, not both") def get_backend(): from django.contrib.auth import load_backend for backend_path in settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS: backend = load_backend(backend_path) if hasattr(backend, "get_user"): return backend_path user.backend = get_backend() else: user = authenticate(**credentials) if not user: raise ValueError(f"User {user} was not authenticated") session_auth_hash = "" if hasattr(user, "get_session_auth_hash"): session_auth_hash = user.get_session_auth_hash() # Mimicking django.contrib.auth functionality self.set_session_data( { AUTH_ID_SESSION_KEY:, AUTH_HASH_SESSION_KEY: session_auth_hash, AUTH_BACKEND_SESSION_KEY: user.backend, } )
[docs] def shortcut_logout(self): self.flush_session()
def get_session_store(session_key=None): engine = import_module(settings.SESSION_ENGINE) # Implement a database session store object that will contain the session key. store = engine.SessionStore(session_key=session_key) if session_key is None: else: store.load() return store class CommonMixin: def assertion_passes(self, a_callable, *args, **kwargs): """ Given a callable which may raise an AssertionError, plus optional arguments to pass to it, returns a callable that wraps it and returns True if no AssertionError is raised, False otherwise. Useful for converting assertion methods into callables that can be passed to `wait_until`. """ # We make wrapper accept and ignore any args due to the use case, where # typically `driver` will be passed as an argument (see `wait_until`) def wrapper(*wrapper_args, **wrapper_kwargs): try: a_callable(*args, **kwargs) except AssertionError: return False return True return wrapper def assertUrlsEqual(self, url, other_url=None): """ Asserts that the URLs match. Empty protocol or domain are ignored. """ if other_url is None: other_url = self.current_url url1 = furl(url) url2 = furl(other_url) self.assertEqual(url1.path, url2.path) self.assertEqual(url1.query, url2.query) if url1.netloc and url2.netloc: self.assertEqual(url1.netloc, url2.netloc) if url1.scheme and url2.scheme: self.assertEqual(url1.scheme, url2.scheme) def fill_by_id(self, data): """ Same as ``fill`` except the keys are input IDs """ warnings.warn( "instead of `fill_by_id({'foo': 'bar'})` do `fill({'#foo': 'bar'})`", DeprecationWarning, ) self.fill({"#" + k: v for k, v in data.items()}) def fill_by_name(self, fields, prefix="", scroll=NotPassed): """ Same as ``fill`` except the keys are input names """ self.fill({f'[name="{prefix}{k}"]': v for k, v in fields.items()}, scroll=scroll) def _assertTextPresent(self, text, pyquery_obj, within): norm_text = html_norm(escape(text)) matching_elements = pyquery_obj.find(within) if len(matching_elements) == 0:"No elements matched the CSS selector {within!r}") elif len(matching_elements) == 1: # Better error message for the common case: self.assertIn( norm_text, etree.tostring(matching_elements[0], encoding="unicode"), ) else: self.assertTrue( any(norm_text in etree.tostring(elem, encoding="unicode") for elem in matching_elements), "Didn't find {!r} inside any of the {} matching elements for {!r}".format( text, len(matching_elements), within ), ) def _assertTextAbsent(self, text, pyquery_obj, within): norm_text = html_norm(escape(text)) matching_elements = pyquery_obj.find(within) if len(matching_elements) == 1: # Better error message for the common case: self.assertNotIn( norm_text, etree.tostring(matching_elements[0], encoding="unicode"), ) else: self.assertFalse( any(norm_text in etree.tostring(elem, encoding="unicode") for elem in matching_elements), "Didn't find {!r} inside any of the {} matching_elements for {!r}".format( text, len(matching_elements), within, ), )
[docs]class AdminLoginMixin(ShortcutLoginMixin): """ A mixin that logs in via the normal admin login page """
[docs] def do_login(self, username=None, password=None, shortcut=True): if shortcut: self.shortcut_login(username=username, password=password) return self.get_url("admin:index") self.fill( { "#id_username": username, "#id_password": password, } ) self.submit("input[type=submit]")
[docs] def do_logout(self, shortcut=True): if shortcut: self.shortcut_logout() return self.get_url("admin:logout")
class BrowserSessionToken: # Simple container class to hide the fact that the value is really a # webdriver instance or webtest instance (but that may change in future) def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other.value def __repr__(self): return f"<BrowserSessionToken {id(self.value)}>" def html_norm(html): return html.replace("&quot;", '"').replace("&apos;", "'").replace("&#39;", "'").replace("&#x27;", "'")