Pytest integration

You can use django-functest with pytest, using the pytest-django plugin. The supported pattern is that you write your tests in the unittest style as per the Usage docs, and run them with pytest, as per the pytest-django docs.

You may need to be careful with naming — pytest collects classes whose names start with Test. But in our case, the abstract test classes (which don’t inherit from WebTestBase or SeleniumBase) should not be collected, so be careful to name your tests accordingly.

Below are some optional but very helpful tips to make things nicer:

  1. Use to add some pytest command line arguments that control which browser to use, and whether to show the browser or not.

  2. Use a pytest mark on your base class for Selenium tests to be able to mark all your Selenium tests, and therefore easily select or de-select them.

An example of putting these together is below.


BROWSER = "Firefox"

def pytest_addoption(parser):
        "--browser", type=str, default="Firefox", help="Selenium driver_name to use", choices=["Firefox", "Chrome"]
    parser.addoption("--show-browser", action="store_true", default=False, help="Show web browser window")

def pytest_configure(config):
    BROWSER = config.option.browser
    SHOW_BROWSER = config.option.show_browser

Then write your SeleniumTestBase something like this:

import pytest
from django.test import TestCase
from django.contrib.staticfiles.testing import StaticLiveServerTestCase
from django_functest import FuncSeleniumMixin

import conftest

class SeleniumTestBase(FuncSeleniumMixin, StaticLiveServerTestCase):
    driver_name = conftest.BROWSER
    display = conftest.SHOW_BROWSER

You should also give a description for your marker by putting this in pytest.ini:

markers =
    selenium: Full browser test using Selenium

You can now de-select all Selenium tests by doing pytest -m 'not selenium', and use --show-browser or --browser=Chrome etc. as needed.