Common WebTest/Selenium API

This page documents the methods and attributes that are provided by both django_functest.FuncWebTestMixin and django_functest.FuncSeleniumMixin.


unittest provides assertion methods that are camelCased. Django follows suit with assertion methods, but for other things defaults to the PEP8 recommendation of name_with_underscores e.g. live_server_url. We have followed the same pattern.

class django_functest.FuncCommonApi

Assertion methods

assertUrlsEqual(url, other_url=None)

Checks that the URLs are equal, with other_url defaulting to the current URL if not passed. The path and query are checked, and if both URLs contain a domain name and/or protocol, these are also checked. This means that relative URLs can be used, or protocol-relative URLs.

assertTextPresent(text, within='body', wait=True)

Asserts that the text is present in the body of the current page. You can pass within as some other CSS selector to narrow the assertion to within the matching element(s).

For Selenium tests, it will also wait for the specified within element to appear, unless wait=False is passed. The wait parameter has no effect on WebTest.

assertTextAbsent(text, within='body')

Asserts that the text is not present in the body of the current page. You can pass within as some other CSS selector to narrow the assertion to within the matching element(s).

Other methods and attributes


Go back in the browser.

For WebTest, this will not make additional requests. For Selenium tests, this may or may not make additional requests, depending on caching etc. and what happens when you press ‘Back’ in the browser being used.


The current full URL

Follows the link specified in the CSS selector.

You will get an exception if no links match

For django_functest.FuncWebTestMixin, you will get an exception if multiple links match and they don’t have the same href.

fill(data_dict, scroll=NotPassed)

Fills form inputs using the values in data_dict. The keys are CSS selectors, and the values are the values for the inputs. Works for text inputs, radio boxes, check boxes, and select fields. Checkbox values can be specified using True and False. Radio button values should be specified using the value attribute that should be matched, and the radio button that matches that will be selected (even if the selector matched another button in that group).

To upload a file, pass an Upload instance as the value.

This will raise an exception if the fields can’t be found. It will be a timeout exception for Selenium tests, so you will want to avoid attempting to fill in fields that don’t exist.

If multiple fields match, you will get an exception for FuncWebTestMixin but not for FuncSeleniumMixin due to the way Selenium finds elements.

For Selenium, you can specify whether to scroll first (to bring the element into view), which defaults to the value of auto_scroll_by_default. This parameter has no effect for WebTest.


Same as fill() except the keys are element IDs. Deprecated — instead of fill_by_id({'foo': 'bar'}) you should do fill({'#foo': 'bar'}), because it is shorter and more flexible.


Same as fill() except the keys are input names.


Same as fill(), except the values are text captions. This can be used only for <select> elements.

get_element_attribute(css_selector, attribute)

Returns the value of the attribute of the element matching the css_selector, or None if there is no such element or attribute.

For django_functest.FuncWebTestMixin, you will get an exception if multiple elements match.


Returns the “inner text” (innerText in JS) of the element matching the css_selector, or None if there is no match.

For django_functest.FuncWebTestMixin, you will get an exception if multiple elements match.

get_url(name, *args, **kwargs)

Gets the named URL, passing it through django.core.urlresolvers.reverse with *args and **kwargs.


self.get_url('admin:auth_user_change', object_id=1)
get_literal_url(relative_url, auto_follow=True, expect_errors=False)

Gets the URL given by the relative URL passed in.

For FuncWebTestMixin, pass auto_follow=False if you don’t want redirects to be followed. This parameter is ignored by FuncSeleniumMixin.

For FuncWebTestMixin, pass expect_errors=True if you are expecting an error code e.g. a 404, otherwise you will get an exception. This parameter is ignored by FuncSeleniumMixin.


Returns True if the element specified by the CSS selector is present, False otherwise. See also is_element_displayed().


True for Selenium tests, False for WebTest tests.


Set data directly into the Django session from the supplied dictionary. This is useful for implementing setup/shortcuts needed for specific views.


Get the Django session as a dictionary. This is useful for creating assertions.


Creates (and switches to) a new session that is separate from previous sessions. This can be used to simulate multiple devices/users accessing a site at the same time.

Returns a tuple (old_session_token, new_session_token). These values should be treated as opaque tokens that can be used with switch_browser_session().

For Selenium tests, a new instance of the web driver is created, which results in a new browser instance with a separate profile being used.


Switch to the browser session indicated by the supplied token. The token must be an object returned from a previous call to new_browser_session() or switch_browser_session().

Returns a tuple (old_session_token, new_session_token).

submit(css_selector, wait_for_reload=True, auto_follow=True, window_closes=False, scroll=NotPassed)

Submits a form via the button specified in css_selector, or via the form specified in css_selector.

(Normally forms are submitted by specific input/button elements, and it is difficult to submit otherwise. In some cases when Javascript is used, there might not be any button used, in which to trigger submission manually you can specify the form element itself.)

For FuncSeleniumMixin, wait_for_reload=True causes it to wait until a whole new page is loaded (which always happens with FuncWebTestMixin). If you are expecting an AJAX submission or Javascript code to stop a new page from actually being loaded, pass wait_for_reload=False.

For Selenium tests, if you are expecting the window to close, pass window_closes=False and then use switch_window(), or you may experience long timeouts with Chrome. This implies wait_for_reload=False and other tweaks. It does nothing when running WebTest tests.

For Selenium, you can specify whether to scroll first (to bring the element into view), which defaults to the value of auto_scroll_by_default. This parameter has no effect for WebTest.

For FuncWebTestMixin, auto_follow=True causes redirects to be followed automatically (which always happens with FuncSeleniumMixin). Pass False to allow intermediate responses (i.e. 3XX redirect responses) to be inspected via last_response.


Returns the value of the form input specified in CSS selector.

The types of the values correspond to those that are passed to fill():

  • For check boxes, it will return True or False.

  • For text inputs, returns the text value.

  • For selects, returns the internal value attribute of the selected item.

class django_functest.Upload[source]
__init__(filename, content=data)[source]

Construct an object for uploading in a normal file upload field. filename is a string, and the content parameter must be a bytes instance.

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